
Opportunities not to miss: (4) Paid Research Assistant Roles in Climate Action at FAO, Apply Now!!!

As part of its efforts, FAO Representation in Eswatini is seeking qualified candidates for Research Assistant positions to support its programmes in addressing climate change, environmental sustainability, and natural resource management.

Closing Date: 19/Mar/2024, 12:59:00 AM


The global community faces unprecedented challenges related to climate change, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. In response to these challenges, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is committed to supporting Member States in implementing sustainable development initiatives, promoting climate action, and improving food systems worldwide.

This comprehensive document provides an in-depth analysis of the Research Assistant positions, including their role, responsibilities, qualifications, and the application process.

Overview of the Positions:

The Research Assistant positions at FAO Representation in Eswatini offer individuals the opportunity to support FAO’s efforts in addressing climate change, environmental sustainability, and natural resource management. Based in Mbabane, Eswatini, the Research Assistants will work closely with FAO officers and project management teams to provide basic process support, conduct research, and assist in organizing meetings and events related to climate action and sustainable food systems. These positions are non-staff opportunities under Personal Services Agreements (PSA) with a duration of 11 months.

Organisational Setting:

Eswatini, like many other countries, faces significant challenges related to climate change and environmental sustainability. The country’s vulnerability to climate change impacts, coupled with limited institutional capacity and resources, necessitates targeted interventions to enhance resilience and promote sustainable development.

In this context, FAO Representation in Eswatini plays a crucial role in supporting national efforts to address climate change, improve food systems, and achieve sustainable development goals. The Research Assistant positions are integral to FAO’s programmes in Eswatini and contribute to the organization’s broader mission of promoting food security, rural development, and environmental sustainability.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Research Assistants will perform a range of specific activities to support FAO’s programmes in Eswatini. These activities include:

  1. Conducting literature searches on topics related to climate change, environmental sustainability, and food systems.
  2. Assisting in data collection, recording, and transcription of interviews and consultative processes.
  3. Supporting the organization of meetings, events, and workshops related to climate action and sustainable development.
  4. Assisting in the generation of basic reports for events and activities.
  5. Collating and filing data related to FAO projects and initiatives.
  6. Supporting consultancy work as needed.
  7. Performing other project support duties as required by FAO representatives.

These responsibilities are essential for advancing FAO’s objectives in Eswatini and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals at the national and regional levels.

Minimum Requirements:

To qualify for the Research Assistant positions, candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. A University degree in Environmental Science, Agronomy, Natural Resources Management, or related fields.
  2. Minimum of 1 year of work experience in the infrastructure sector.
  3. Working knowledge (Level C) of English.
  4. National of Eswatini or a legal resident of Eswatini.

These requirements ensure that candidates have the necessary qualifications and expertise to effectively support FAO’s programmes in Eswatini and contribute to the organization’s goals and objectives.

Technical/Functional Skills:

Candidates for the Research Assistant positions should demonstrate the following technical and functional skills:

  1. Experience in supporting data collection, conducting research, and working in a team.
  2. Previous experience in supporting a UN-supported/funded project is desirable.
  3. Understanding of Eswatini’s National Determined Contributions (NDC) activities.
  4. Good communication and presentation skills.

These skills are essential for performing the duties and responsibilities of the Research Assistant positions effectively and efficiently. Candidates with demonstrated expertise in these areas are well-suited to contribute to FAO’s programmes in Eswatini and help address complex challenges related to climate change and sustainable development.

FAO Core Competencies:

Candidates should also demonstrate the following FAO core competencies:

  1. Results Focus
  2. Teamwork
  3. Communication
  4. Building Effective Relationships
  5. Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

These core competencies reflect FAO’s values and principles and are essential for successful performance in the Research Assistant positions. Candidates who exemplify these competencies are more likely to make meaningful contributions to FAO’s programmes in Eswatini and support the organization’s mission of promoting sustainable agriculture, food security, and rural development.

Selection Criteria:

Preference may be given to candidates with working knowledge of SiSwati. All candidates are expected to adhere to FAO values of commitment, respect, integrity, and transparency. The selection criteria prioritize candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to FAO’s mission and possess the requisite qualifications and skills to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Research Assistant positions effectively.

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Application Process:

To apply for the Research Assistant positions, candidates must follow these steps:

  1. Visit the FAO recruitment website and complete an online profile, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  2. Attach a letter of motivation to the online profile, addressing specific questions related to the candidate’s suitability for the positions.
  3. Submit the completed application through the FAO recruitment portal before the closing date.
  4. Candidates may be requested to provide additional documentation, such as performance assessments and authorization for verification checks.

The application process is designed to ensure that candidates provide relevant information about their qualifications, experience, and motivation for applying to the Research Assistant positions. By following these steps, candidates can present themselves effectively and increase their chances of being considered for the positions.


The Research Assistant positions at FAO Representation in Eswatini offer individuals a unique opportunity to contribute to climate action, environmental sustainability, and sustainable development initiatives in the region. Through research, data collection, and project support activities, Research Assistants play a crucial role in advancing FAO’s objectives and promoting inclusive and equitable food systems. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply and become part of FAO’s efforts to achieve a world free from hunger and malnutrition.

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Research Assistant positions, highlighting their role, responsibilities, qualifications, and the application process. By joining FAO Representation in Eswatini, candidates have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact and contribute to positive change in the region.


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