
Remote Job Opportunity: WWF is hiring a Public Health Researcher (remote working)

WWF is now inviting applications for Public Health Researcher who will be working for about 10 weeks with remotely working.

 Closing date : 15 Dec 2023

Objective of the consultancy

The objective of the consultancy is to review current methodologies used by WWF, identify gaps and opportunities, assess the impacts of specific chemical contamination in river streams, and look at social, environmental and health impacts. The consultancy aims to strengthen the methodology and protocol used to conduct water quality assessment, and test specific toxic chemical traces in human and aquatic animals (fisheries).

The consultant will work with WWF staff to ensure a robust research methodology for assessing specific chemical contamination of activities in target sites is drafted and review the sampling protocol in place. The consultant will also advise WWF staff and associates on a training curriculum to build the capacity of local CSO/CBO and communities in pilot site(s).

Scope of work/ Major responsibility

The scope of this consultancy work is outlined below.

  • Review of WWF methodology and protocols used in selected Southeast Asian countries to detect and monitor contamination of specific chemicals, identify weaknesses and bias, and provide suggestions to use these in developing/ proposing a methodology for WWF projects in selected countries.
  • Develop a methodology document and protocol measures for conducting assessment of chemical contamination in rivers/streams depending on on-the-ground risk and security. The document will then be used at the WWF pilot site.

The background of the work, detailed scope of work, outputs & deliverables with timeline can be seen here.


  • Bachelor and/or Master’s degree in studies on public health, chemistry, industrial engineering or environmental sciences.
  • Knowledge of natural resources and environmental threats.
  • Strong experience and knowledge of extractive activities and processes.
  • Excellent written and oral communication and analytical skills.
  • Ability to synthetize large amount of information and data.

How to apply

Interested applicants may submit their proposal (including budget breakdown) and CV, including proof of publications, no later than 15 December 2023 (Friday) to [email protected]

For additional information or clarification, you can email to [email protected]

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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