
Short Term Home-based Consultancy at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)-Climate Finance Consultant: Apply Now!!

Project: Transboundary Rivers of South Asia (TROSA-2) and Climate Finance for Frontline Communities

Purpose and Objectives:

Transboundary Rivers of South Asia (TROSA-2) project is a water governance program funded by the Government of Sweden. It aims to ensure that riverine communities uphold their rights, build resilience, and participate in water resource management in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Risk Governance and Financing Department, ADPC would support the program lead by OXFAM Asia to improve cooperation in governing shared water resources, strengthening resilience to climate change of riparian communities in the transboundary Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) River Basins. The support would be provided with a special focus on the following two outcomes:

  1. Strengthened leadership of civil society, especially women, indigenous people, and youth to influence government and private sector on water governance across and between the transboundary GBM basins.
  2. To strengthen cooperation, collaboration and accountability across and between transboundary GBM basins.

In this setting, a development sector professional is required to provide inputs on the following activities:

  • Implementation of capacity building strategies of women and youth leaders by supporting in preparation and approval of e-modules based on consultations.
  • Using Framework for Integration of Rights and Equality (FIRE) for regional cooperation on water governance for the GBM basins to strengthen understanding and accountability on rights and equality, enhancing transboundary dialogue to build resilience and cooperation among river basins.

The ‘Climate Finance for Frontline Communities’ research project aims to examine Climate Finance Landscapes considering international public sources at both national and local levels, specifically targeting adaptation projects for Bangladesh and Philippines. The research shall include analysis of funding sources, their respective intermediaries for fund allocation, finance mechanisms, financial instruments and targeted sectors.

The Climate Finance for Frontline Communities research project will have two main components as follows i) determine the climate finance flows from various international sources to countries (Bangladesh and Philippines) and ii) impacts of investments made across the frontline communities.

Expected Outputs: The Consultant will be expected to produce the technical and research-based deliverables in line with the Terms of Reference of this assignment by performing specific tasks as outlined in the Responsibilities and Tasks section. (please see the detail TOR from adpc website)

Responsibilities and Tasks:

The Short-term Climate Finance Consultant will provide the following:

  • Support the implementation of climate finance initiatives across various ADPC RGF TROSA and Climate Finance and Frontline communities project.
  • Develop key knowledge products related to the on-going projects.
  • Contribute and coordinate the implementation and support the delivery of key outputs and actions under this project.
  • Develop and prepare training and information materials, and implement capacity building activities related to climate finance.
  • Research and prepare reports under the project and related knowledge products for the implementation of project activities.
  • Perform other relevant tasks as assigned by the Director of Risk Governance and Financing, and the Senior Project Manager, Climate and Disaster Resilience.

Working Principles: The consultant will report to the Director, Risk Governance and Financing Department. In addition, the consultant will work closely with the senior project manager and the project focal person, Risk Governance and Financing Department and receive support from other members of the Department.


  1. An advanced degree in economics or public finance or climate finance or any other relevant discipline;
  2. A minimum of 5 years of experience in implementing projects, leading research for projects and preparing reports related to climate change in South Asia and activity implementation;
  3. A minimum of 5 years of experience in the development sector or transboundary water governance or climate adaptation in the South Asian region.
  4. Experience in research, preparation of technical reports, holding consultations at International and SA level, guidelines and other relevant knowledge products.
  5. Similar work experience in Government/INGO/bilateral or multilateral development partner-funded projects is preferable.
  6. Demonstrated ability to plan and organize work and time independently.
  7. Excellent interpersonal skills, team-oriented work style, and experience in working in a multi-cultural environment.
  8. Strong desire to learn, and undertake new challenges, must be a creative problem-solver, must have self-confidence, willing to work hard and to deliver quality work.

Duty Station: Home Based

Duration: The total duration of the contract will be5months with the possibility of extension, subject to funds availability of budget and performance.

Start Date / End Date: TBC

Itinerary: Cost of official travel, if any to be borne by ADPC. The consultant is required to have a meeting every two weeks with the project director updating the progress in addition to any need-based meetings arranged under TROSA-2 and Climate Finance for frontline communities project.

Condition of Payment: The payment will be based on submissions and monthly progress of work required to be submitted. Remuneration and Terms of Payment will be in consideration of her services performed in connection with this Contract.

Selection Method: The candidate will be selected in accordance with ADPC’s recruitment process and policy guidelines.

Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

ADPC encourages diversity in its workplace and supports an inclusive work environment.

How to apply

How to apply: Interested Candidates can submit the completed ADPC application form, (downloadable from, resume, copy of degrees/certificate(s) together with a cover letter, to: [email protected]

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