
GIZ Kenya (GIZ KE) is hiring: 9 Exciting Job Openings Now Available

To explore current vacancies at GIZ Kenya (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), you can visit their official website or their job portal. GIZ is a German development cooperation agency that operates in various sectors, including agriculture, education, governance, environment, energy, health, and more. They often offer a range of job opportunities in Kenya for various roles, including technical experts, project managers, administrative staff, and more.

Explore GIZ Kenya job vacancies:

  1. Visit the Official GIZ Website:
  • Go to the GIZ official site at
  • Navigate to the Careers section or the Jobs page.
  • Alternatively, you can go directly to the GIZ jobs portal to find current openings in Kenya and other countries.
  1. GIZ Job Listings:
  • GIZ offers a wide variety of positions such as:
    • Project Managers and Coordinators
    • Technical Advisors
    • Monitoring and Evaluation Officers
    • Administrative and Finance Officers
    • Communication and Public Relations Specialists
    • Field Officers
    • Specialists in areas like water, health, education, environment, and renewable energy.
  • The listings often include full-time, part-time, and consultancy opportunities.
  1. LinkedIn and Job Portals:
  • GIZ also posts job vacancies on professional platforms like LinkedIn. You can follow GIZ Kenya’s official LinkedIn page for updates.
  • Additionally, websites like MyJobsKenya, Fuzu, and BrighterMonday often list GIZ job openings in Kenya.
  1. Key Requirements:
  • Most roles require strong qualifications and experience relevant to development cooperation, international development, and the specific technical areas of the role.
  • GIZ also looks for individuals who have experience working with international organizations and have an understanding of development challenges in Kenya and the region.
  1. Application Process:
  • Applications typically involve submitting an online application form through the GIZ portal, which may require you to upload your CV, a cover letter, and any other relevant documentation.

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on Facebook, Instagram , What’s App, TwitterLinkedIn and Telegram

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