2024 WAN-IFRA WIN Global Leadership Accelerator: Call for Applications

For the first time in its 15 year history, the WAN-IFRA WIN Leadership Accelerator will be made available to high potential mid-level newsroom managers (journalists and editors) from emerging, transitional and fragile states around the world.
Journalists with a passion for the news industry, with a minimum 5-10 years active experience in the newsroom, should apply. Successful applicants will receive training in key newsroom and media management issues, while establishing a global network of peers. Participants will also benefit from one-on-one coaching sessions with an ICF-certified coach to create their 3-5 year career roadmaps.
This is a high-impact programme with demonstrable results: on average 60% of successful graduates report direct career progression (promotion, or lateral move of their choice) within 3 months of programme completion. More than 1,500 journalists and editors have progressed through the WIN Leadership Accelerator since 2015.
Apply now for the Programme: Deadline for applications: 30 August 2024.
Successful applicants will be notified by 7 September. Official launch date: 26 September 2024
Eligibility Criteria
The successful applicant will possess the following:
- 5-10 years direct newsroom experience as a journalist (reporter, correspondent editor)
- demonstrated passion for the news media industry and
- a commitment to gender equality and inclusion, as well as principles of press freedom
- identify as a woman and/or be drawn from a historically vulnerable/at risk community
- be located outside of the traditional WIN Accelerator marketspossess strong spoken and written knowledge of English (the programme will be delivered primarily in English)
- the ability to commit 1-2 hours per week for 12 weeks in order to participate thoroughly in the programme (candidates who miss more than 2 seminars will be given an incomplete)
Upon completion of the programme, participants will receive a certificate of completion with professional designation from WAN-IFRA.
The Leadership Accelerator is supported by an experienced team that includes directors, country managers, coaches, mentors and trainers, the majority of whom have direct newsroom leadership and media management experience.
Guest trainers and experts from WAN-IFRA’s global community of media executives are also drawn in to support or contribute to participants’ leadership and career development who have been headhunted at global level because of their expertise.
For more details, Visit Official Website Here