
Call for Applications: Apply for the 4th Edition of the Prix Galien Africa (up to 30,000 USD grant)

In partnership with the Galien Foundation, the Association Galien Africa is launching a call for applications for the 4th edition of the “Prix Galien Africa” which rewards excellence and innovation. I t is awarded for produc ts, services and initiatives that are highly convincing or promising in the field of innovative discoveries and therapies for the benefit of humanity.

It aims to reward researchers, institutions and pharmaceutical industries from the public or private sector that have successfully developed initiatives, ser vices, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, phytotherapy, diagnostic products and medical devices recently introduced on the African market. The “Prix Galien Africa” rewards pharmaceutical and phytotherapy sciences that improve the human condition, mainly on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Innovation and/or discovery
  • Impact on the African continent.
  • Collaboration with an African institution for products presented by non-African institutions

In applying for one of the prizes below, the applicant agrees with the provisions of the “Prix Galien Africa” Charter, which is available and can be downloaded from the website:

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The prize categories to be awarded are:

  • the best pharmaceutical product,
  • the best traditherapy product,
  • the best biotechnology product,
  • the best medical technology or digital solution (medical device, diagnostic, e-health, telemedicine, patient records, etc.)

Each prize is endowed with a 20,000,000 FCFA (Twenty Million Cfa Francs) grant, or about 30,000 USD (Thirty Thousand US Dollars).

Profile required of applicants

The “Prix Galien Africa” is open to researchers, institutions and pharmaceutical industries from the public or private sector, having developed pharmaceutical, biotechnological, phytotherapy, diagnostic products and medical devices, marketed in the African countries and having obtained the mar keting authorization (MA), delivered by at least one African pharmaceutical regulatory authority.

Pharmaceutical, biotechnological, herbal medicine, diagnostic and medical devices must be based on innovative science, developed by synthetic chemistry or molecular biology or manufactured naturally with plants according to precise criteria, specifications, tested in controlled clinical trials and marketed by ethical pharmaceutical companies.

The initial marketing authorization must be valid for a maximum of five years as of December 31 of the competition year. Exemptions could be granted for digital technology or solutions and for Traditional therapy products. As the MA is not applicable to digital technology or solutions and Traditional therapy, the selection criteria are defined by an assessment grid drawn up by the Jury.

Attachments to the application form:

  • Letter of application (maximum one page)
  • CV (maximum two pages) and legalized copy of diplomas for individual applications
  • Summary of the institution description for institutional applications (maximum one page)
  • Full description of the product or device and its impact on the African continent (maximum two pages)
  • Marketing authorization for the product or device (if applicable)


Opening date for applications : Sunday March 31, 2024 at 18:00 p.m. (UTC/GMT)

Closing date : Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 23:59 p.m. (UTC/GMT)

Application procedures

Applications can only be submitted electronically using the form available at the following web address:

The Jury can also accept the nomination of candidates by a third party.

Any questions can be sent by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

Professor Awa Marie COLL SECK

Chair of the Association Galien Africa

For more details, Visit Official Website Here

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