
Register for the Female Health and Hygiene Accelerator

General information

Are you a growing enterprise making a splash in the female health and hygiene space with a sound business model and track record, as well as first sales under your belt, and actively working in our target countries Kenya, Uganda and/or Ghana? Join us for capacity building, networking, and financing opportunities to elevate your business to new heights.

What´s in it for you?

  • Receive technical assistance to improve your business model, internal structure, governance, and SDG-related impact management with top sector-leading experts and trainers.
  • Benefit from a €10,000 catalytic micro-grant to enhance your scaling capacities and test your implementation performance.
  • Develop sustainable financing models to become (impact) investment-ready and ensure long-term operations.
  • Connect with peers and investors, unlock impact capital and receive facilitation support and technical backstopping during the process.
  • Scale your business and reach millions of women and girls at the Base of the Pyramid.

Implementation Mode

Face to faceMeet and work with us face-to-face during the programme’s bootcamps in Kenya and for selected sessions with our local partners in Kenya, Uganda and Ghana (tbd). 
OnlineWork online with us on specific tasks of the acceleration programme and join us on Zoom for key input sessions. 
HybridReceive individual coaching, focused training, and networking as well as peer-learning opportunities both off-/ and online. 
On siteDevelop and implement business transformation projects with our technical and financial support. 


To apply, you should comply with the following conditions:

  • Maturity: Your product/service should be developed and tested, and you should have existing paying customers.
  • Registration type: Your company should be duly registered in your country of operations.
  • Solution: Your focus should be directly related to female health and hygiene (see categories), and your solution shouldn’t create or contribute to environmental problems.
  • Business & revenue model: You should be able to demonstrate a clear customer focus, not just a dependency on philanthropic or development grants.
  • Impact potential: Your solution should showcase a clear potential to achieve impact for women and girls at the base of the pyramid.
  • Team: Your company should be locally grown and led, and clearly highlight how you empower women from within.
  • Growth plan: Show us through your application that you have an appetite for risk, want to grow and create impact, know your gaps and have reasonable investment needs.


Submission Deadline1 July 2024
Submit your application before 1 July 2024

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, What’s App, Twitter, LinkedIn and Telegram

For more details, Visit Official Website Here

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