
Home-Based Position Alert! ECPAT International is looking for a Consultancy-Strengthening a child safeguarding culture within the ECPAT network: Apply!!

August – December 2024 (20 working days)


ECPAT International is a global network of organisations working together for the elimination of the sexual exploitation of children (SEC) in all its manifestations i.e., exploitation of children in prostitution, online child sexual exploitation, sale and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and some forms of child, early and forced marriage. The ECPAT Network currently consists of 125 members working at national and local levels in 104 countries.

The ECPAT International Secretariat coordinates the global work of the organisation and is based in Bangkok, Thailand. The Secretariat designs and implements global and regional level programmes, and undertakes programming, advocacy and research and facilitates a range of network initiatives. The current team is 36 staff members.

ECPAT International is committed to ensuring within the Secretariat and across our members a strong safeguarding culture is promoted, supported and implemented.


This consultancy should support ECPAT International and its network in strengthening its safeguarding culture, by developing tools, strengthening capacities and advocating for better outcomes for children and young people.


1.Developing building blocks and capacities to ensure a strong child safeguarding culture within ECPAT

Objective: To ensure that ECPAT International Secretariat staff are equipped with the skills needed to implement child safeguarding measures AND champion child safeguarding within the ECPAT network

1.1 Implementing a strong child safeguarding culture within the Secretariat:

ECPAT International has reviewed its safeguarding frameworks in 2023, yet some aspects still need to be consolidated.

  • Develop referral pathways, technical tools for case handling and managing external investigations
  • Conduct online coaching sessions (3 times 2h) for the ECPAT International Safeguarding Focal Points based on existing training toolkit as a ‘coach the trainers’ approach and review the training programme as and if needed1.2 Train and accompany Safeguarding Champions within the ECPAT International Secretariat:
  • Develop a training toolkit (session plans, activities, PowerPoints and resources, handouts) – for online delivery – to strengthen ECPAT staff capacities to assess, promote and champion child safeguarding within the network and provide basic support to ECPAT members in the implementation of their child safeguarding measures
  • Train selected ECPAT staff based on the training toolkit. Training will be conducted online.

Expected outcomes: all ECPAT Staff involved have clear understanding of the core components and requirements for child safeguarding; are capable of assessing if an ECPAT member is meeting these minimum child safeguarding requirements; are able to deliver introduction sessions on child safeguarding for any CSO and partner; and able to give orientations on child safeguarding measures to any ECPAT member or other CSO partners.

2. Building spaces for exchange and learning

There is a wealth of resources, knowledge, experiences within the ECPAT network – but we are not able to adequately capture, manage and process these learnings and make these resources available to support our membership strengthening process in child safeguarding.

2.1 Develop a resource and knowledge management space on Child Safeguarding for ECPAT members:

Objective: To develop an online knowledge management space on child safeguarding for ECPAT membership.

  • Propose a system for storing, managing, processing resources and promising practices on child safeguarding from our network (and beyond).
  • Review and select 3-5 key resources across the child safeguarding cycle and requirements, from the ECPAT network and beyond.

Expected outcomes: An online database of key resources on child safeguarding available in English, French and Spanish

3. Building opportunities for development

Through the network-wide assessment and regional safeguarding workshops, a number of areas for development were identified. Technical support on these would be needed.

3.1 Develop specific thematic or practical knowledge and capacities on key issues related to child safeguarding

For this, a consultant would be tasked to prepare a set of powerpoints and brief technical notes, delivered online through webinars, to our ECPAT members. The following areas have been identified but can be reviewed/ revised:

  • Engaging with partners, suppliers and contractors on child safeguarding
  • Setting up child-friendly complaint and reporting mechanisms
  • Receiving and managing disclosures and complaints
  • Addressing tensions between culture, practices and safeguarding
  • Monitoring and learning on child safeguarding3.2 Organize small group coaching sessions
  • Organize small group online coaching sessions (max 5) in key regions (Western and Central Africa; Latin America; Central Asia) with selected members to support and monitor progress towards strengthening of their safeguarding culture

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, What’s App, TwitterLinkedIn and Telegram

Expected outcomes: ECPAT members developed stronger understanding of specific child safeguarding challenges and practices and selected members strengthen their child safeguarding measures.

4. Strengthening the integration of safeguarding frameworks and child sexual exploitation programming

ECPAT has conducted research on sexual exploitation of children in humanitarian contexts that identified a need to strengthen a better integration between child sexual exploitation programming and safeguarding compliance mechanisms in order to strengthen an overall zero tolerance culture towards sexual exploitation of children, within and outside organizations.

4.1 Develop a technical and advocacy brief

  • Develop a 3-5 page brief on safeguarding to propose key recommendations and advocacy ask to strengthen integration of Safe programming for the prevention and response to child sexual exploitation and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by humanitarian and aid workers
  • Identify key stakeholders and spaces for advocacy

Expected outcomes: An advocacy brief and specific related recommendations and target audience informs ECPAT’s advocacy efforts to put an end to the sexual exploitation of children.


  • Referral pathways for the ECPAT Secretariat developed
  • Technical briefs for case handling and for managing external investigations
  • Training toolkit with accompanying support documents (session plans, activities, powerpoints and handouts)
  • Online training of ECPAT Staff (2-3 days max)
  • Selected resources and practices collected and systematized across child safeguarding cycle
  • Preparation and delivery of five webinars on key child safeguarding issues
  • Five small group coaching sessions of 2h
  • 3-5 page technical and advocacy brief


The consultant or (groups of consultants) need to have

  • Demonstrated experience in managing child safeguarding procedures within a CSO
  • Strong technical child safeguarding knowledge
  • Experience in developing training toolkits
  • Capacities to deliver effective online training for adults
  • Multi-cultural understanding, knowledge and experiences
  • Good writing and analytical skills
  • High ethical standards
  • English language is a must, capacity to operate in Spanish and/or French is a strong added value


As ECPAT’s International Secretariat we recognise that our strength lies in the diversity of the people who make up our global network, staff, volunteers and consultants. We are committed to being an inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds and cultures can strive and be themselves. This means we will challenge ourselves to do better and to continue learning, to create and maintain a working environment steeped in respect, tolerance, safety, and where all parties are valued equally.

As a child-focused organisation, ECPAT has a strong commitment to child safeguarding and rigorous procedures. The Consultant is expected to act at all times in a manner consistent with the values of ECPAT International and in compliance with the organisation’s policies and procedures including Child Safeguarding Policy and the Code of Conduct.


– This is a home-based position using its own equipment. The consultants should be available for online calls including with different time zones in particular with Thailand where ECPAT International Secretariat is based.

How to apply

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: please send to [email protected]

Closing date: 8 Jul 2024

  • CV detailing relevant experiences and 1 or 2 relevant resources developed
  • Financial proposal with clear daily fee in USD for an estimated 20 days of work

Mention in the subject header: Your name and “Safeguarding culture”

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