Work Remotely as the Youth Power Training Toolkit Consultant at Restless Development: Apply!!

Youth Power Training Toolkit Consultant at Restless Development
Apply by: Monday 8th April, 2024 (Young Professionals are encouraged to apply)
About Restless Development
Restless Development is a global non profit agency. We support the collective power of young leaders to create a better world. We are independently registered and governed in nine countries (India, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe) bound together by our vision for youth power. We run youth-led programmes to tackle the issues that young people care about the most – We also run the Youth Collective – a growing network of over 4000 local youth civil society groups and organizations in 185 countries. We are committed to creating an agency that walks the talk on power shifting, using the power shifting checklist, both internally and externally.
Our approach to safeguarding
Restless Development considers the welfare and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults to be an organizational imperative with primacy over the success of programmes or strategic objectives. We recognize that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we expect all of our staff, volunteers and partners to ensure we protect the communities in which we operate from harm and abide by our Safeguarding Policy.
About the We lead Programme.
We Lead is an inspiring, innovative and far-reaching programme that aims to improve the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH-R) of young women. The We Lead consortium consists of six civil society organisations (Positive Vibes, Restless Development, Marsa, FEMNET, the Central American Women’s Fund and Hivos) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hivos is the lead party. The programme supports young women’s groups and organisations. We connect them with one another in local Communities of Action (CoAs), support and coach them, so that they are better able to advocate for, claim, protect and promote their SRH-R. As a core member of the consortium, Restless Development offers expertise to youth organisations through its core training on leadership development, youth- led research, youth-led accountability , meaningful youth engagement, organisational resilience, and dynamic accountability, which the programme applies to ensure rightsholders’ voices in decision-making.
In partnership with other consortium partners, Restless Development is working with nine (9) SRH-R movements across 9 countries, comprising 100+ youth led/focused civil society organizations. One of the key components of the programme is to ensure that youth led/focused civil society is inclusive, supportive and led by young women. Supporting female leadership, both in increasing representation of different young women in leadership positions, and in terms of nurturing those already in such positions.
The major outcomes of the programme are;
- Strengthened CSOs are inclusive of or led by young women from four rightsholder groups, and work together in a Community of Action, to defend and promote their SRH-R.
- The general public increasingly acknowledges and supports young women’s SRH-R.
- Health service providers are more aware of the SRH-R needs and situation of rightsholder groups, and increasingly provide accessible, comprehensive, high-quality, inclusive and respectful SRH-R information and services.
- Duty-bearers increasingly design, adopt and implement laws and policies that respect and protect the SRH-R of young women from rightsholder groups.
Toolkit Development Process.
As part of our global strategic ambition to celebrate, nurture, connect and fund youth power, we want to develop a Youth Power Toolkit for youth led / youth focused civil society in Africa, Middle East and Central America regions to help strengthen knowledge and system change at organisation level to create a more enabling environment for youth engagement and leadership. We are seeking the services of a consultant to work with us to create the Youth Power Toolkit based on the existing internal training resources that we have. We have a wealth of information and material from our work in this area, and we are looking for support to curate this into a stand alone toolkit that can be shared, disseminated and delivered across our networks.
Purpose of the toolkit.
Restless Development envisions this toolkit will be a training resource for enhancing the capacity of youth-led / youth focused organisations towards strengthening youth leadership, movement building and advocacy.
The toolkit will be used to ignite youth-led support, meaningful youth participation and gender equality. The consultant is expected to develop the toolkit and training materials – incorporating the theoretical content and documentation that we have across the agency to produce step by step processes, activity suggestions, and scenarios to support Youth led / youth focused organisations to reflect on existing practices, systems and resources and leverage these to promote Youth Power.
Overview of Toolkit Content:
Restless Development envisions that this training toolkit will encompass resources to transform individual young people, youth leaders, and youth-led/focused organizations at large. We envisage that it will be possible to deliver training via the toolkit to groups of approx. 15-30 young leaders over 3-5 days.
The training toolkit needs to be in line with the Youth Collective Strategy, the We Lead programme’s theory of change, and the capacity assessment of the programme that was recently carried out by Restless Development and its partners. The following youth-led / focused organization’s capability areas are where we expect the toolkit to be aligned:
- Meaningful Youth Engagement – re-imaging youth engagement in governance, programmes, Human Resource and community development with an intersectional lens to help organizations assess their relationship with young people beyond programming.
- Youth leadership – exploring youth leadership styles and strategies for supporting and nurturing youth leadership.
- Progressive Leadership models – inclusive facilitation, values based leadership, transformative leadership, feminist leadership, 360 leadership and exploring power.
- Evidence for Advocacy – gathering and generating evidence, using evidence to inform policy, and media as an advocacy tool.
Overview of toolkit Development Methodology:
The toolkit ought to be positioned to combine conventional methods with recent technological developments in capacity strengthening. The assignment will make use of the following key approaches and techniques;
- Participatory development of the toolkit – through interactions with some representatives across the 9 We Lead programme countries to inform and contextualize content.
- Validation – incorporating virtual review and validation meetings with the consortium capacity strengthening working group.
- Integrate feedback from the validation process and finalize toolkit
Expected Output:
The consultant should submit a print ready version (soft copy) – designed and translated in four languages (Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and French). This is because staff and Youth Power facilitators will use the toolkit to lead sessions with youth civil society across the 9 countries.
Task Submission dates Payment Installments
Inception Report April 40%
Submission of first draft training tool kit May 20%
Validation and submission of reworked final toolkit May 20%
Final toolkit June 20%
Support From Restless Development:
- Brief on the requirements and timelines through detailed induction calls.
- Provide existing resources on meaningful youth participation and youth leadership.
- Provide feedback on the draft toolkit
How to Apply:
Interested individuals are requested to submit the following;
- A detailed proposal mentioning clearly the proposed methodology for the scope of work, relevant past experience, support expected from Restless Development and a fee quotation for delivering the work.
- Latest CV (s), and link to relevant work – training toolkits developed.
- Required documents should be shared by 8th April 2024.
- Selected proposals will be called for an online interaction and the work will be commissioned before the end of April 2024.
- Young Professionals are encouraged to apply
Application process: The closing date for submission of complete applications is 8th April 2024. Only applicants with complete documents will be considered and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted