The Department of International Relations and Cooperation(DIRCO) is Hiring (Various Vacancies)
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation(DIRCO) is Hiring (Various Vacancies)
Please e-mail your applications to the e-mail address indicated below each post and quote the post name in the subject line of the e-mail address to receive an acknowledgement; Hand-delivered applications can be submitted to the OR Tambo Building, 460 Soutpansberg Road, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE: 5 April 2024 – Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
o Applications must be submitted on the new form Z83 (effective from 1 January 2021) (duly completed and hand signed) obtainable from any Public Service department or on the DIRCO website –
o For other relevant information and how to apply, kindly visit the Department’s website ( – home page under Jobs.
o Applications should be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV). Certified copies of qualifications, Identity Document (ID), Drivers licence as well as any other relevant documents will be submitted by shortlisted candidates only.
o Received applications using the incorrect Z83 for employment will not be considered.
o All appointments will be subjected to a process of security clearance.
o It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
o All shortlisted candidates shall undertake two pre-entry assessments. One must be a practical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the Department and the other must be an Integrity (Ethical Conduct) Assessment.
o Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments), using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools;
o All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and verification of qualifications.
o In line with Cabinet decision taken on 2 March 2016, all applicants are required to indicate in their Curriculum Vitae the number of Boards he/she is serving on. Where this information is not provided, such application will not be considered.
o A pre-entry certificate (Nyukela certificate) obtained from National School of Government (NSG) is required for all SMS appointments. The course is available at the NSG under the name: Certificate for entry into SMS and the full details can be obtained by following the link below:
o The successful candidate will have to complete a Financial Disclosure form annually.
o We thank all applicants for their interest; DIRCO reserves the right not to make appointments.
o Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within four (4) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Total salary package: R1 663 581 per annum. This all-inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic salary, the State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension fund and a flexible portion that may be structured in terms of the applicable rules. The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance contract.
o Applicants must be in possession of an undergraduate qualification and a post graduate qualification (NQF level 8) as recognised by SAQA in Political Science or related fields.
o 8 years of experience at senior managerial level in International Relations or related fields.
o Knowledge of South Africa’s Foreign Policy objectives
o Knowledge and understanding of legislative framework governing the Public Service
o Strategic Capability and Leadership
o People Management and Empowerment
o Programme and Project Management
o Financial Management
o Change Management
o Problem solving skills
o Communication skills
o Negotiation skills
o Diplomacy skills.
For more opportunities such as this please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, What’s App, Twitter, LinkedIn and Telegram
o Manage Branch: Africa and diplomatic missions in Africa
o Support and advise the Political Principals and Director-General as and when necessary
o Provide inputs to Cabinet Committees, Portfolio Committee and other structures on political priorities, policy recommendations and strategies impacting upon South Africa’s foreign relations
o Assist with policy formulation
o Provide strategic support in the strengthening of political, economic relations for the promotion of South Africa’s trade, investment and tourism potential and opportunities
o Manage and monitor the establishment of internal and external stakeholder relations
o Manage and supervise the implementation of foreign policy decisions of Government in addition to day-to-day conduct of bilateral relations between South Africa and countries of Africa
o Manage the day-to-day strategic issues and lead diverse interdisciplinary teams of professional staff.
Enquiries: Mr J Matji, tel. (012) 301 8764
APPLICATIONS: Please e-mail your application to [email protected].
Please quote the post name in the subject line of the e-mail address in order to receive an acknowledgement.
Total Salary Package: R1 162 200 per annum. This all-inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic salary, the State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion that may be structured in terms of the applicable rules. The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance contract.
Centre: Pretoria
o Applicants must be in possession of a relevant undergraduate qualification (NQF7) as recognized by SAQA in Financial Management or related fields
o At least 5 years’ experience at middle management level in Financial Management, Administration and Operations
o Proven knowledge or an in-depth understanding of SA’s foreign policy and diplomacy, African development, and international development cooperation
o Relevant experience with and knowledge of international diplomatic practices, role-players, development agencies and institutions
o The ability to negotiate agreements and contracts with partners and stakeholders
o Excellent communication and marketing skills to promote the ARF, it’s goals and programmes
o Excellent planning, co-ordination and organising skills
o Sound experience in stakeholder management and partnership development
o Knowledge of pertinent legislation.
o Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service
o Knowledge and understanding of the PFMA, 1999 and Regulations
o Problem solving and innovation skills
o Project Management
o Decision making
o Analytical thinking and reasoning skills
o Strategic leadership and capability
o People management
o Partnership development and management
o Quality management.
o Strategic management of the ARF Secretariat.
o Co-ordinate the activities of the ARF Secretariat
o Manage the ARF Programme / Project Agreements / MOUs, contracts and Service Level Agreements in collaboration with the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor of DIRCO
o Market the goals and programmes/projects of the ARF in collaboration with relevant DIRCO desks
o Develop the ARF operational Policy Guideline and strategy, frameworks, systems and tools for outgoing partnerships
o Facilitate partnerships with other relevant agencies and institutions in support of ARF objectives
o Co-ordinate ARF activities across all spheres of the SA Government
o Provide legal, contractual and service level advice and support to DIRCO, SA Missions, partner Departments and other stakeholders
o Render secretariat services to the ARF Advisory Committee.
Enquiries: Mr J Matji, tel. (012) 301 8764
APPLICATIONS: Please e-mail your application to [email protected]
Please quote the post name in the subject line of the e-mail address in order to receive an acknowledgement.
See the Official Link & Apply