
Call for Applications: The Career Grant for Early-Career Researchers (career age 0–3 years)

This call welcomes researchers who have recently received a doctorate or who are at an early stage of their career. You can apply for funding to conduct your own research project, where you formulate your own research question, within Formas’ areas of responsibility: Environment, Agricultural Sciences, and Spatial Planning. We encourage interdisciplinary research questions.

The Career Grant Overview

The Career Grant for Early-career Researchers call gives you as an early-career researcher the possibility to improve your leadership skills, run your own project, and contribute to the clear advancement of the state of knowledge within Formas’ areas of responsibility. It is also meant to contribute to the next step in your career. The Career Grant aims to broaden your perspectives, help you to become more independent, and enable you to take the next step in your career. This is done by taking on a new or partially new focus for your research compared with your previous work.

To expand your opportunities for improved career development, your project should include national or international mobility to other research environments. The mobility is intended to improve your abilities and opportunities to contribute to research relevant to society and of the highest scientific quality. It should also contribute to new impressions, ideas, and perspectives, preferably in, for you, new or partially new subject areas. Your research mobility and the project in general should also expand your networks and your skills in cooperating and collaborating with others.

Knowledge creation is a complex process, created under widely varying conditions, timeframes, methods, and publication patterns. There are a variety of ways of pursuing a research career, all of which can lead to research of high scientific quality. As applicant, you are given wide-ranging flexibility to design the project and the mobility according to the conditions and needs of your field of research.

You can apply for a 3- or 4-year project with a budget of at most SEK 1.5 million per year on average over the years applied for. For international mobility, you will also receive an additional cost supplement for you and any accompanying family, in addition to the project’s budget.

The Career Grant for Early-career Researchers call supports researchers in two different critical stages in their career development and is conducted in two tracks:

  • Research projects for career age 0–3 for individuals who have a doctorate issued from 1 January 2021 to 1 October 2024.
  • Research projects for career age 4–7 for individuals who have a doctorate issued from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2020.

Applications may only be for one track. This call text explains the framework for track 0–3. Note that granted projects can only be conducted by the applicant personally. Changing project leader is therefore not permitted.


Early-career researchers. The call has two tracks:

  • Career age 0–3: for those who received a doctorate (degree certificate issued) no earlier than 1 January 2021 and no later than 1 October 2024.
  • Career age 4–7: for those who received a doctorate (degree certificate issued) no earlier than 1 January 2017 and no later than 31 December 2020.
  • The administrating organisation must be a Swedish university, institute of higher learning, or other administrating organisation approved by Formas.


Research projects where you formulate your own question within Formas’ areas of responsibility: Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

The call includes requirements for national and/or international mobility.

For this call, co-applicants are not permitted.


1.5 million SEK per year on average over the years applied for. Funding can be applied for three or four years.

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Contact information

For questions about the content of the call, administrative support and questions regarding Prisma

Contact us at:
[email protected]

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