Remote Learning Consultancy Opportunity: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort.
Closing date for Applications is 24 November 2023
Work Location
The job is remote based, but it requires adherence to New York office hours
Result of Service
The consultant will be responsible for the following deliverables:
- Inception report: A short (five to 10-page) inception report will present the study framework, including changes to the review questions or additional questions and the methodology to answer them along with a proposed workplan featuring a list of planned interviewees.
- The report should offer (i) an evaluation of the existing learning initiatives across the Branch, (ii) best practices in learning from comparable organizations, and (iii) initial ideas for potential enhancements and new learning initiatives/approaches.
- Review report: The main deliverable, the review report (about 25 pages) should provide answers to the review questions and concrete, realistic recommendations for strengthening learning for OCHA-managed pooled funds in consultation with GLRS, and with a focus on low-cost or no-cost activities and partnerships.
- The report should present a framework for structured learning, with a set of actions and a roadmap for implementing and sustaining these initiatives. This will include identifying (i) sample learning initiatives, (ii) partnerships to advance learning, (iii) ways to disseminate learning across the system, and (iv) mechanisms to translate learning into policy guidance.
- Presentation: A presentation (both a slide deck and a meeting with OCHA PFMB) to present the main findings and recommendations of the review.
Expected duration
Duties and Responsibilities
- The main objective of the consultancy is to generate options for learning initiatives to be undertaken and/or facilitated by the Pooled Funds Management Branch (PFMB).
- The consultancy will aim to (i) assess the current learning strategies in place and identify potential gaps, and (ii) propose a holistic approach to/framework for learning, with concrete targeted actions, to further reinforce the Branch’s impact in this domain. It will guide the Pooled Fund Management Branch and help to build donor and partner confidence in its approach and commitment to learning.
- The specific objectives of the study include:
- 1. Evaluation of the existing learning initiatives across the Branch, providing an insight into their effectiveness, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.
- 2. Outline best practices in learning initiatives from comparable organizations or entities, as a foundation for the design of future learning initiatives.
- 3. Explore potential enhancements and propose new innovative learning initiatives and partnerships. Recommend ways to ensure these initiatives align with IASC global thematic (gender, GBV, people with disabilities, accountability to affected people, cash, Nexus, localization, among others).
- 4. Develop a framework for structured learning, based on the above, offering a set of actions and a roadmap for implementing and sustaining these initiatives, with a focus on low-cost and no-cost options.
- a. Identification and description of sample learning initiatives that can be undertaken, including potential benefits, execution methods, and success metrics.
- b. Identification of partnerships that can help advance learning, and ways in which to collaborate.
- c. Suggestion of ways in which to disseminate learning across the humanitarian system, in a manner that is cost effective and impactful.
- d. Propose mechanisms to ensure the translation of learning into policy guidance and its contribution into wider OCHA discussions.
Qualifications/special skills
Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in international affairs, international development, public policy, education, or related field. A Ph.D. or equivalent in a relevant field would be a distinct advantage. A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. A minimum of eight years of professional experience in international development, humanitarian work, as well as professional experience in the area of learning and knowledge management, including to drive change is required. Specific experience in conducting studies or evaluations, particularly in the context of learning initiatives, is highly desirable, as is experience in establishing effective learning partnerships. Experience in working with international humanitarian organizations is also beneficial.
Fluency in English is a requirement and fluency in French is desirable.
No Fee
How to apply
Apply here
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