
Results for Development (R4D) Open International Vacancies

Apply below for the job openings at Results for Development (R4D).

About RD4

R4D is a globally recognized leader for designing and leading ecosystem-building initiatives that connect funders, experts and implementers across countries to build knowledge and get that knowledge into practice.

We work with change agents to solve their immediate challenges today, while also strengthening systems and institutions to address tomorrow’s challenges. This is how innovative technology-supported learning becomes a standard for all classrooms, not just one. How effective approaches to fight malnutrition are integrated into health systems. How health data from hundreds of sources can be channeled into a single dashboard, unifying how we see the pandemic and fight it.

Since our founding, R4D has listened and learned alongside our partners — leveraging, but not leading with our own expertise. We create space for our country partners to lead, building a world of healthier, educated people who will drive their own prosperity for generations to come.

Senior Program Associate, Market ShapingDAR ES SALAAM 
Senior Technical Advisor, USAID Ethiopia Health Financing Program [Anticipated]ADDIS ABABA
Program Officer, Health Systems StrengtheningINTERNATIONAL
Health Financing Officer, Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator Benin ProjectINTERNATIONAL
Chief of Party, USAID Ethiopia Health Financing Program [Anticipated]ADDIS ABABA
Request for Consultant: Strengthening Safe Blood Systems in Rwanda to Prevent Maternal Mortality from Postpartum HemorrhageRWANDA
Request for Consultant: Scope of Work for Data Collection and Analysis of a data set for a Manuscript for publicationREMOTE
Communications Director (R4D)/Director of Impact Communications, EdTech HubREMOTE
Request for Consultant: Consultoria: Fortalecimento dos cuidados de saúde primários para promover o desenvolvimento ótimo das crianças pequenas – Strengthening Primary Health Care to Promote Optimal Development of Young ChildrenINTERNATIONAL
Request for Consultant: Market Shaping for Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) Bauchi State, NigeriaNIGERIA
Finance Manager, EdTech HubINTERNATIONAL
Request for Consultant: Accélérateur de renforcement des systèmes de santé Appui à l’Intégration des Programmes de Financement de la Santé dans le Processus de Santé Universelle en Côte d’IvoireINTERNATIONAL
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist (Program Director)[NTERNATIONAL
Program Officer, Education, GhanaACCRA
Senior Operations Officer, Global Travel and Country OperationsINTERNATIONAL

Application Closing Dates- Unspecified
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