
Apply for the Service Provider Opportunities at ICLEI Africa

Bids due: 10 October 2023

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) is a global network of more than 2500
local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+
countries, ICLEI influences sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, naturebased, equitable, resilient and circular development. ICLEI’s members and team of experts
work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic
change for urban sustainability.

ICLEI Africa is working with Yaoundé-based partners on the Brokering Innovation for
Decentralized climate finance & Gender Equality (BRIDGE) project.
This Terms of Reference relates to supporting ICLEI Africa with the translation of a number of
technical climate change finance documents, PowerPoint (PPT) slides and news articles from
English (UK) to French and from French to English (UK). The service provider is expected to
only undertake work indicated within this ToR.

Brokering Innovation for Decentralized climate finance & Gender Equality (BRIDGE) funded
by IDRC as part of the Step Change initiative intends to improve access by subnational
stakeholders (municipalities and partners) to appropriate finance for locally-led and gender responsive climate change adaptation action in Cameroon, with learnings scaled to the central
Africa region and beyond. The project will address knowledge-to-action gaps by strengthening
and capacitating relevant knowledge brokers and their networks in moving from talk to action,
by generating and integrating the knowledge needed to unlock finance for gender-responsive
and inclusive locally led adaptation.
ICLEI Africa will work closely with the University of Yaoundé 1, FEICOM, at least one
municipality and 30 knowledge brokering organisations in Cameroon over a period of 42
months to meet the following objectives using a participatory approach:

  • Strengthen the capacity of knowledge brokers (and their networks) working in
    Cameroon to enable inclusive planning, project development and financing for locallyled and gender-responsive climate change adaptation action.
  • Identify and enhance the best suited mechanism(s) to unlock finance for locally-led and
    gender-responsive climate change adaptation in Cameroon.
  • Enhance capacity of knowledge brokers operating in central Africa to improve access
    and deployment of finance for locally-led and gender-responsive climate change
    adaptation projects

ICLEI Africa requires the services of a professional and experienced translator to provide
support with translating a number of technical climate change documents (e.g. project
concept notes), PPT slides required to train the project participants, and communication
materials that will be developed to support with profiling the BRIDGE project. Translation
services are required between English (UK) and French.
The primary target audience for the above-mentioned deliverables will be civil society groups
and technical staff from cities in Cameroon, but news articles will be for a broader Africa-wide

Translation of technical climate change documents between English (UK) and French
As noted above, ICLEI Africa will develop tools, reports and communication materials under
the BRIDGE project. Each of these documents draws on technical data, survey findings, and
desktop research on topics including climate change, finance and gender. The technical
documents will consist of text, graphs and tables. For example, BRIDGE will produce:

  • An assessment on the intersectional barriers to and opportunities for enhanced or new
    financing mechanisms that enhance how locally-led and gender-responsive are locallevel projects of approximately 15 000 words.
  • A matrix of advantages and disadvantages of several potential financing mechanisms
    of approximately 5 000 words.
  • At least 2 project concept notes that include gender-responsive actions, indicators and
    budgeting of approximately 15 000 words each.
    The exact dates on when these documents will be ready for translation is still not known
    (expected to be at least one document every quarter over the next 3 years), however it is
    expected that the service provider will translate each document within 5-10 working days of
    receiving them, depending on the length of the document.

News articles
ICLEI Africa will produce between 1 and 3 news articles over the course of developing the
project. These are aimed at a broader audience and will be conveying the technical work in
more digestible language to a wide audience. The news articles will be between 600 and 800
words in length and the service provider would be expected to translate these within 2 working
days of receiving them.

Other tasks
While the above-mentioned deliverables are confirmed, other documents or resources may
arise on an ad hoc basis and require translation (e.g. PPT presentation). Any additional
deliverables will be discussed with the service provider if/ when they arise to assess capacity.
Please note: The service provider must be able to translate within the time periods specified
above and to a high standard. The service provider must communicate with ICLEI Africa in a
timely and professional manner on progress. The service provider must ensure that all
material translated is proofread before returning to ICLEI Africa.

ICLEI Africa will be responsible for the following to support the service provider with translation

  • Providing all final content to the translator in a timely manner so as to respect the
    deadlines outlined above.
  • Provide guidance on technical terms that may arise in the technical documents and
  • Clearly communicate deadlines as far ahead of time as possible so as to provide the
    service provider with adequate time to plan translation time

All data used (that is not available from a public and open source platform) and related
outputs produced are confidential and not to be shared without written permission of ICLEI
Africa. On completion of the contract, the intellectual property of all outputs will be
transferred to ICLEI Africa.

Interested service providers will be required to submit the following to be considered:

  • A per word rate. This will be the maximum rate that can be charged for any of the
    deliverables, but potential service providers should indicate whether reduced bulk rates
    would be considered.
  • Full CV of translator(s) that will be working on this assignment, and website address/links
    to previous work if available. The CV(s) submitted must include the translator(s)
    qualifications and demonstrable experience translation between English (UK) and French.
  • Confirmation of ability to translate in accordance with the timelines indicated above.
  • Completed test (See Appendix A) by the translator(s) that will work on the assignment.
  • For South African-based service providers only, provide proof of status for preferential
    o A B-BBEE certificate.
    o If the service provider has an annual turnover of less than R10 million and/or does
    not have a B-BBEE certificate, a completed and signed sworn affidavit.
    Please note: The service provider may only sub-contract other parties to assist them if
    approved by ICLEI Africa.

All proposals will be considered against the following criteria:

  • Cost (per word rate)
  • BEE Status (only if applicable)
  • Qualifications
  • Previous translation experience
  • Outcome of test (see Appendix A)

Kindly submit your proposal including all components outlined in the specifications to quote to
Courtney Van Niekerk ([email protected]) with Lucy Lavirotte
([email protected]) in CC by 16:00 (GMT+2) on 10th October 2023. Please use the
subject line: ‘Service Provider: BRIDGE Translator’
For any queries related to submission please contact ICLEI Africa via the email above.

Also see:

ICLEI Africa seeks to appoint a professional videographer to take high-quality photo and video footage in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Bids due: 23 October 2023


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