
ECDC Fellowship Programme EU-Track, Cohort 2024 I Call for Applications

Call for application for ECDC Fellowship Programme EPIET and EUPHEM paths, EU-track, Cohort 2024

Deadline for the submission of applications is 15 October 2023,

The ECDC Fellowship Programme has the following programme objectives:

  • To contribute to strengthening the prevention, preparedness, surveillance and control of infectious diseases and other cross-border health threats or issues of public health concern in the EU/EEA Member States and at EU level, supporting the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2022/2371
  • To contribute to enhancing response capacities for effective field investigation and communicable disease control at European, national and community level to meet public health threats, in particular for the EU response to cross-bored threats to health
  • To contribute to strengthening the European and global network of public health professionals through the use of state-of-the-art, shared standards and methods, good practices and common public health objectives
  • To contribute to knowledge transfers and capacity building within and between Member States
  • To facilitate innovative inter-disciplinary and multi-sector cooperation and communication to achieve the above objectives while adjusting to emerging needs
  • To contribute to the reduction of disparity across Europe in the prevention, preparedness, surveillance and control of communicable diseases

Training and practical experience are provided in two paths:

  • Field epidemiology path (EPIET): in intervention epidemiology at the national and regional centres for surveillance and control of communicable diseases in the European Union.
  • Public health microbiology path (EUPHEM): in laboratories with public health functions or training sites with a consortium of different laboratories in Europe.

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on FacebookInstagramWhatsApp, TwitterLinkedIn and Telegram

Who can apply?

In order to be eligible for the ECDC Fellowship Programme, candidates for both paths need to fulfil the following set of formal requirements:

  • Have a thorough knowledge (minimum B2) of at least two official languages of the EU/EEA, one of which shall be English.
  • Be a national of a Member State of the EU/EEA.
  • Be entitled to her or his full rights as a citizen.

In addition, depending on the path they apply for, candidates need to fulfil the following formal requirements:

Specific eligibility requirements for EPIET Path:

  1. Completed post-secondary education (university studies) attested by a diploma* in medicine, public health, epidemiology, veterinary medicine, nursing, biology, microbiology, pharmacology, biomedicine, bioinformatics or other health and social sciences, at the level of Masters’ degree or equivalent**; and
  2. At least two (2) years of work experience in public health or applied epidemiology. (Work during a PhD could count as work experience if it is in applied public health/epidemiology.)

Specific eligibility requirements for EUPHEM Path:

  1. Post-secondary education attested by a diploma* in medicine, biology, microbiology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, bioinformatics or biomedicine, at the level of graduate diploma, Masters’ degree or equivalent**; and
  2. At least three (3) years of work experience in microbiology; or a PhD degree in microbiology or equivalent (e.g., clinical microbiology specialisation, veterinary medicine specialisations, or a specialisation in any microbiology field).

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on FacebookInstagramWhatsApp, TwitterLinkedIn and Telegram

Selection of cohort 2024

The selection process is described in the Administrative Decision on ‘Rules governing the EU-track of the ECDC Fellowship Programme, field epidemiology path (EPIET) and public health microbiology path (EUPHEM)’

Preliminary timeline*

4 September 2023Call for applications for cohort 2024 opens
15 Oct 2023Application deadline 
Oct – Nov 2023Review of applications by the Selection Committees
30 Nov-1 Dec 2023Selection Committees decides on the shortlisted candidates – second round
Mid December 2023ECDC sends communication to the shortlisted candidates
Dec 2023Identification of training sites for cohort 2024
22-26 Jan 2024Interviews with short-listed candidates for both paths
11-14 March 2024Full week of Training Site Market- Interviews with the Training Sites
April 2024Notification of placement (country/training site) for successful candidates 
​May-Aug 2024Signature of Training Sites Agreements with ECDC and employment contracts between training sites and successful candidates 
9 Sept 2024Start of the fellowship

Application procedure 

Step 1: Fill in the online application Form

For EPIET: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EPIETEUtrackC2024(link is external)   
For EUPHEM: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EUPHEMEUtrackC2024(link is external)

Submit your CV and letter of motivation by filling in the ECDC Fellowship Application Form (Other application formats will not be accepted)

Step 2: E-mail the Case Id

Email the Case id that will be provided through this online submission to [email protected](link is external) clearly indicating:

  • EPIET or EUPHEM Surname in the Subject line, and
  • the Case id, in the text of the email. 

For example: EPIET Smith. Text:  cfa0f65d-5213-42f2-b46f-de0a9e68f363.

Applications must be in English, the working language of the Centre. You may be requested at a later stage to supply documentary evidence in original in support of the statements that you make for this application.

The application will be rejected if the dossier is incomplete or if your application form it is not the format of the provided form.

Deadline for the submission of applications is 15 October 2023, at 24.00 CEST.

More information

Candidates can contact the Fellowship Faculty Office (FFO) at [email protected] for further information regarding the training programme.

The training sites’ contact information is available here. The Coordination team  may be available to offer additional information. Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact supervisors, current fellows, and alumni through the training sites.

Visit Official Website Here For Additional Information

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