
Results Fellowship 2024 for Young Leaders is Now Open for Applications

The RESULTS Fellowship helps young leaders find their voice.

(The application for the 2024 cohort is now OPEN! The application window will last through October 31, 2023.)

RESULTS Fellowship 2024 Application Now Open. Every year, a cohort of activists ages 20-35 comes together to form the RESULTS Fellowship. These young leaders spend 11 months growing their advocacy skills to end poverty and oppression. Fellows meet with lawmakers, work with the media, and engage with their communities to affect change. Young advocates with lived experience of poverty are especially encouraged to apply.


  • Have a passion for creating change and a commitment to anti-oppression
  • Ability to commit 3-6 hours per week for the 11-month program and join bimonthly Fellowship Webinars, local group meetings, and the monthly RESULTS National Webinar
  • Age 20-35 at the start of the Fellowship
  • Plans to live in the United States from January to November 2024
  • Experience in community activism, school activism, political campaigns, or other anti-poverty or social justice focused activities preferred but not required.

The four pillars of the Fellowship:

Advocacy, Commitment, Community, and Opportunity.
RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people who use their voices to put an end to poverty. As a fellow, you will be exposed to advocacy opportunities. You will build community around a shared goal, you will be exposed to members of Congress and their staff as well as experts in their field, and you will have the opportunity to change the future of millions.

What can I expect from the Fellowship?

The RESULTS Fellowship is a 11-month fellowship program in which participants develop
leadership skills as they gain hands-on experience working with RESULTS grassroots groups or as a free agent in their communities.

We focus on four topics:

Media engagement
During media engagement, fellows will be taught how to communicate with editors, how to write opinion editorials, letters to the editor, and how to participate in an interview. Fellows are provided with the tools to make their experience during media engagement flow seamlessly with their other work around our anti-poverty issues. Fellows are trained to utilize existing hooks in their local newspaper to get recognized and published for their knowledge.

Congressional Engagement
Fellows are emersed in Congressional engagement throughout the entire fellowship. Fellows are connected to groups in their communities to lobby with their Representative and Senators. For fellows who do not have a group in their local area, they are connected to other fellows to discuss lobbying opportunities and to offer each other support. RESULTS staff members support fellows as they navigate Congressional engagement and our campaigns.

Fellows are trained in organizing to organize individuals in their communities to advocate for the end of poverty. Giving the fellows exposure to several types of organizing helps to prepare them to organize in their communities from small organizing events to larger organizing events. They are taught skills to manage the project from beginning to end. Their skills are sharpened to established relationships in the communities and fellows also plan their own organizing event

Advocacy is the life’s blood of selfless service. It is the core of what we do as an organization and necessary to end poverty. Fellows are trained to strengthen their skills when engaging with Congressional aides or members of Congress.

Training and skills

During their time in the fellowship, RESULTS Fellows will receive professional and leadership development training. The fellowship will provide comprehensive training exploring the history of RESULTS including the root causes of poverty and how we apply a racial equity lens to our anti-poverty work.

Fellows will receive policy training, organizing training, and advocacy training to work through the process of addressing poverty and our campaigns. They will be involved in RESULTS policy work and will learn how national public policy is developed and implemented and how we work through grassroots lobbying. They are also briefed in the anti-poverty space by policy experts on staff. Trainings are developed and designed to educate fellows on the role of the federal government, the budget and appropriations process, and how to schedule a lobby meeting while building relationships with Congressional offices.

For more opportunities such as this please follow us on FacebookInstagramWhatsApp, TwitterLinkedIn and Telegram

How To Apply for the RESULTS Fellowship 2024 Application

The fellowship seeks to inspire and train young leaders in the fight to end poverty. This opportunity is designed for young adults ages 20-35 to broaden their experience, confidence, and knowledge of the operations of Congress while advocating for key anti-poverty issues. The movement needs voices of all types and backgrounds to make the movement inclusive

RESULTS provides training and support to speak powerfully, engage with the media, advocate directly with members of Congress and their staff, and to mobilize and organize your communities.

For more Information: Visit Official Website Here

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