Apply for the ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants With Funding 2023

Apply for the ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants With Funding 2023
About ETH4D
Despite unprecedented progress in poverty reduction over the last 25 years, around 800 million people still live on less than two dollars per day, without adequate access to food, drinking water, electricity, mobility, and other basic services. At the same time, many countries struggling with extreme poverty are currently among the most dynamic economies in the world, creating new opportunities to use innovative approaches to address social and environmental challenges.
The rapid expansion of mobile phone technology and solar energy have had tremendous impacts on development over the past ten years. Now technologies such as digitization, 3D-printing, block chain, remote sensing, and robotics might offer the same promise. However, much of the potential of technological innovation for addressing the persistent challenges of those in poverty remains untapped. ETH4D believes that universities have a responsibility to ensure that technological progress benefits the global population.
ETH4D aims to combine technological innovation with a profound understanding of people’s behavior and their environments to identify new solutions for improving the lives of poor people. ETH4D therefore supports research, which combines the knowledge and skills of engineering, the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities and promotes the collaboration between scientific research, civil society, industry and policy. ETH4D aims to educate the future leaders of sustainable development. ETH4D will train a new generation of engineers and natural scientists able to develop, implement and scale world-changing innovations with a global perspective.
DownloadETH4D in a page (PDF, 232 KB)
Discover our funding programmes below
DownloadETH4D funding programmes overview (PDF, 95 KB)
ETH4D Research Grants
The goal of the ETH4D Research Grants is to enable collaborations on project-based research between ETH researchers and non-academic partners and partners from low- and middle-income countries.
ETH4D Research Challenges:
ETH4D Research Challenges aim to support research collaborations between ETH researchers and non-academic partners (i.e. Private Sector, NGOs, Governmental Organisations) and partners from low- and middle-income countries to identify effective solutions to poverty reduction combining technologies, policies and a profound understanding of human behaviour.
Deadlines: 31 March & 30 September
ETH4D Seed Grants:
ETH4D Seed Grants provide a smaller amount of funding to explore new collaborations, pilot a new applied research project or scale up existing research projects in low- and lower-middle income countries.
Deadlines: 31 March & 30 September
ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges:
ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges aim to support research collaborations between ETH Zurich researchers, EPFL researchers and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to develop effective solutions to leverage science and technology for a greater impact of humanitarian action.
Deadlines: Q1 2024 (tbd)
ETH4D Scholarships
ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme:
The ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme provides grants for mentoring doctoral students from low- and lower-middle-income countries.
Deadlines: 31 January, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December
ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants
The ETH Faculty Exchange Grants allow ETH scientists to bring collaborators from low- and middle-income countries to ETH Zurich for a research stay or a workshop/conference; or to fund ETH scientists to travel to partner institutions for lectures, courses and collaboration meetings.
Deadlines: 31 January, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December
ETH4D Research to Action
Social Impact Pioneer Fellowship
The Social Impact Pioneer Fellowship supports ETH students and researchers in developing their research-based technologies into viable products and services with a social impact. The Social Impact Pioneer Fellowship is awarded to projects that serve people living with less than 10 USD per day in low- and middle-income countries. All countries on the OECD DAC List 2023 are eligible (DownloadOECD DAC List 2023 (PDF, 204 KB)vertical_align_bottom).
Deadline: 1 September
Research to Action Grants
The ETH4D Research to Action Grants aim to bridge the gap between academic research and practice. The grants support students and researchers to discuss their work with practitioners and ensure that results are being used, implemented and disseminated.
Deadlines: 31 January, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December
Further Opportunities and Details
Contact-Francis Baranyk
ETH Zurich
8092 Zürich
To check for eligibility and selection process visit official website here