

2023 UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity (US$ 100,000)

Deadline: 16-May-23

UNESCO is launching the fourteenth call for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) applications. Through an open and competitive process, projects will be selected based on their ability to generate concrete and lasting results towards the development of the creative sectors in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention.

Project proposals should contribute to:

  • The implementation and/or elaboration of policies and strategies that have a direct, structural impact on the creation, production, distribution and access to a diversity of cultural goods and services;
  • The strengthening of capacities in public institutions and CSO organizations to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets.

Public institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from eligible countries are invited to submit their proposals, as well as international NGOs registered in countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention.

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2023 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant Program (USD10,000)

Deadline: 31-May-23

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) calls on young women and men under the age of 35 to apply for the 2023 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant Program to mobilize young researchers for further study of the Silk Roads shared heritage.

The research needs to address specific issues relating to:

  • the shared heritage and plural identities developed along the Silk Roads,
  • its internal diversity,
  • its potential in contemporary societies for creativity, intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, regional and international cooperation, and
  • ultimately sustainable peace and development.

The UNESCO Silk Roads Youth Research Grant was first launched in 2021 and is organized within the UNESCO Silk Roads Programme with the support of the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, in the context of UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Programme.

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2023 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education (US $50,000)

Deadline: 19-May-23

UNESCO launches the call for nominations for the 2023 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education.

The UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education honours outstanding and innovative contributions made by individuals, institutions, and organizations to advance girls’ and women’s education.

Funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Prize is conferred annually to two laureates and consists of an award of US $50,000 each to help further their work in the area of girls’ and women’s education. The Director-General of UNESCO awarded the Prize for the first time in 2016.

Governments of UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are invited to nominate up to three individuals, institutions or organizations who have made strong, innovative contributions in favour of girls’ and women’s education.

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Global Peace Photo Award 2023 (€ 10,000)

Deadline: 21-May-23

Entries are now open for Global Peace Photo Award 2023 that recognizes and promotes photographers from all over the world whose pictures capture human efforts towards a peaceful world and the quest for beauty and goodness lives.

The award goes to those photographs that best express the idea that their future lies in peaceful coexistence.

The Global Peace Photo Award is awarded by Edition Lammerhuber in partnership with Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG), UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM and LensCulture.


  • The Peace Image of the Year will receive € 10,000. It will be on display for one year in the Austrian Parliament and will be included in the permanent art collection of the Austrian Parliament.
  • The top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal.
  • They will be on display for one year in the Austrian Parliament.

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2023 International Essay Contest for Young People (100,000 Yen)

Deadline: 15-Jun-23

Applications are now open for the 2023 International Essay Contest for Young People to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development.

It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of them can make a difference in the world. This program is an activity within the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030).

The Contest is Organized by The Goi Peace Foundation Under the auspices of The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, Japan Private High School Federation Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Nikkei Inc. Supported by Seiko Group Corporation, Plus Corporation.

Theme: “Youth Creating a Peaceful Future” What does a peaceful world look like to you? How can young people work together, using creative ideas and approaches to realize a peaceful future? Please share your specific ideas.

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ACP-EU 3 million Euro Grant Support Programme (Round 2)

Deadline: 5-May-23

Creatives can now apply for grant funding in Round 2 of the ACP-EU 3 million Euro Grant Support Programme available in 15 Caribbean Countries.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and The University of the West Indies (UWI) are implementing the project called ‘Creative Caribbean – An Ecosystem of “Play” for Growth and Development.’Individuals and organisations in the Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) in areas such as music, fashion, costume, design, film, animation, new media, visual and performing arts, emerging industries such as circus arts, acrobatics, synchronized swimming, operatic performance, and all subsets of.

Creative Caribbean aims to provide grants and improve the economic conditions of creatives to stimulate sustainable growth of the CCI in the Caribbean, a sector which provides millions in revenue and in which thousands of people find full time and part time work.

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UNESCO Creative Cities Network 2023

Deadline: 30-Jun-23

Applicants are now invited to submit applications for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) program to strengthen cooperation with and among cities that have recognized creativity as a strategic factor of sustainable development as regards economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects.

By joining the Network, cities acknowledge their commitment to sharing best practices, developing partnerships that promote creativity and the cultural industries, strengthening participation in cultural life and integrating culture in urban development plans.

Fields: The UNESCO Creative Cities Network covers seven creative fields: Crafts and Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Media Arts, and Music.

The 2023 UCCN Call for Applications is open to cities from all UNESCO Member States and Associate Members. Through the specific Cooperation Framework for the UCCN Call, UNESCO continues its efforts in strengthening the geographical representation and cultural diversity of its Creative Cities Network.

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UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Deadline: 31-May-23

Cities from UNESCO Member States are invited to apply for membership in the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC).

The UNESCO GNLC is an international policy-oriented network providing inspiration, know-how and best practice. Members benefit from the sharing of lifelong learning policies and practices, the production and exchange of knowledge on key challenges and solutions, capacity-building and training initiatives, and participation in global events such as the International Conference on Learning Cities.

UNESCO learning cities across the globe make lifelong learning a reality. Whether they are megacities or smaller urban areas, all of them show how learning opportunities empower citizens of all ages when suitable policies and programmes are put in place. The 294 members of the network work closely together to share good practices, strategies and activities to ensure learning for young and old.

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Call for Entries: 2023 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Deadline: 30-Jun-23

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is delighted to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the 2023 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.

The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (‘Awards’) recognizes exemplary efforts by individuals and organizations to restore or conserve structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. It encourages property owners to undertake conservation projects within their communities, either independently or by public-private partnerships.

Since it was first established in 2000, the Awards programme has recognized 278 projects from 27 Asia-Pacific countries for their thorough understanding of their sites; their sound technical achievements; and their demonstration of social, economic and environmental impacts at all levels. In recognizing these practices, the Awards programme has contributed to meaningful achievements in advancing a regional conversation about what constitutes cultural heritage, who has a stake in its stewardship, and how cultural heritage can contribute to the sustainable well-being of cities, societies and the environment.

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Call for Applications: Global Host Cities 2024 and 2025

Deadline: 15-Aug-23

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is launching a Call for Applications for the Global Host City for the 2024 and 2025 International Jazz Day celebrations.

It aims to raise awareness on the role of jazz as an educational tool and as a force for creativity, dialogue and intercultural exchange, and highlights how jazz:

  • breaks down barriers and creates opportunities for mutual understanding and tolerance;
  • is a vector of freedom of expression;
  • brings people together in celebration and reduces tensions between individuals, groups, and communities;
  • encourages artistic innovation, improvisation, new forms of expression, and inclusion of traditional music forms into new ones;
  • stimulates intercultural dialogue and empowers young people from marginalized societies.

The designated Global Host City Organizing Entity will take responsibility for the preparation and coordination and all costs of the Programme of Activities, under the supervision of and in close cooperation with UNESCO and the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz, who oversees the overall planning, production and coordination of the Programme of Activities.

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